Thursday, November 28, 2013

El tráiler de Balady ya está disponible!
Con subtítulos en español:
Con subtítulos en inglés:
Si quieres ver toda la película por favor mándanos un email:

Balady's trailer is now available!
If you wish to see the whole film please contact us by email:

La bande-annonce de Balady est désormais disponible!
Sous-titres en anglais:
Sous-titres en espagnol:
Si vous désirez voir l'intégralité du film merci de nous écrire à:

Monday, November 18, 2013

The documentary Balady was selected in the context of the 11th edition of the "Mujer en Escena" Film Festival, in the section addressing issues of sexual violence against women. The festival will take place on 21 November 2013 at 20:00. The event is organised by the Office for Equal Opportunities of the City Council of Malaga (Spain) in order to discuss the causes of existing gender inequalities and to support the presence of women in film production. 

El documental Balady ha sido seleccionado para participar en la XI Muestra de Cine “La Mujer en Escena”en la sección de violencia sexual contra las mujeres, el próximo 21 de noviembre 2013 a las 20:00. La muestra es organizada por el Área de Igualdad de Oportunidades del Ayuntamiento de Málaga (España) con el objetivo de debatir sobre las causas de las desigualdades de género existentes hoy en día y apoyar la presencia de las mujeres en la producción cinematográfica. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

On Friday 4 October 2013, we presented Balady in La Miranda, a local association which hosted our first belly-dancing workshop in Barcelona and is situated nearby the famous Güell Park in "La Salut" district. The neighbors had the chance to discover the film which was partly filmed in La Miranda venue. 40 persons attended the screening and could exchange their impressions with Emilie Vidal, one of the film producers. 

The screening took place in the framework of "Noche suelta #1: from Barcelona to Cairo, plural views on oriental dance", which was organized by Colectivo Suelto Association with the support of Interarts and Underground Oriental Dance School. 

Balady screening was thus followed by a dance show of BCU, Ballet de Càmera of lUnderground Oriental Dance School directed by Baseema Bellydancer. 

The whole evening was meant to give different approaches of women who practice oriental dance, talk about bodies' freedom and expression in different contexts and invite the audience to practice oriental dance in an informal and funny way. 

All the pictures are on:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

El  Colectivo Suelto tiene el agrado de presentar el próximo viernes 4 de octubre 2013 a las 19.30h el documental “Balady”. La proyección, se realizará en la Asociación La Miranda, Avenida Coll del Portell 74, Barcelona (Metro Vallcarca o Lesseps) y la entrada es gratuita

La película se desarrolla como una reflexión sobre los estereotipos de género, aceptación del cuerpo, libertad y educación sexual según el entorno en que se vive. 
A través de diferentes puntos de vista sobre la percepción de la danza del vientre se observa cómo estos roles y modelos de género afectan a nuestros cuerpos y creencias.
El documental es una coproducción de Hassala (El Cairo) e Interarts (Barcelona), dirigida por Donia Maher y Emilie Vidal después de realizar talleres de danza del vientre y entrevistas a mujeres, artistas y ciudadanos que practican (o no) esta danza.

Programa del evento:
-Presentación del documental a cargo de Emilie Vidal, coproductora de Balady.
-Proyección de Balady.
-Actuación de bailarinas del BCU, Ballet de Cámara de la escuela Underground Oriental Dance dirigida por Baseema Bellydance.
-Coloquio-debate en la terraza-bar de La Miranda.

Tel: 686 025 372

Friday, September 13, 2013

New screenings coming

New screenings of Balady will be coming in the next weeks: in Egypt, Spain, etc.
If you have not seen the documentary yet, stay tuned!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Screening in Cairo

If you are in Cairo, on the 25th of July 2013, you don't want to miss the Balady Film Screening
At 21:00 in Al-Warsha- 17 Sherif Street- West el Balad, 4th floor
We are waiting for you !

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


'Balady'' Film Presented in Berlin and Barcelona     

 In June, the audiovisual film resulting from the Balady project was presented. On 15 and 16th of June 2013, the final event of the Tandem/Shaml programme was held in Berlin (Germany). The event took place in the Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) with the objective of disseminating the results of six partnerships between European and Arab cultural professionals. To conclude the Tandem/Shaml exchange program a range of performances, an exhibition, a concert and a round table on art in times of crisis were organized.

In Barcelona, the "Balady" film was presented on 27 June 2013 at the Francesca Bonnemaison / "La Bonne" Women's Cultural Centre' and  on 18th of July at Cadmus Barcelona Escuela de Árabe. After the presentation participants had the opportunity to share their impressions in a colloquium. 

"Balady" is a co-production by Donia Maher (Hassala, Cairo) and Emilie Vidal (Interarts, Barcelona) that invites viewers to reflect, through belly dance, on the complexity of cultures, on the relationships between men and women, on the control which society exercises on our bodies or on the transformative power of art in a historical moment of demand for greater freedom of the Arab people.                          

Monday, June 3, 2013


Proyección película Balady 27 junio 2013 - 18h 

La Bonne Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison
Después del pase de la película “Balady” habrá un debate con algunos invitados y participantes en la película. La proyección se realizará en la Sala La Cuina de ''La Bonne'', Centro de Cultura de Mujeres Francesca Bonnemaison (C/ Sant Pere més baix, 7). Será un acto gratuito y abierto al público.

Algunos de los temas que se tratan en el film  son los siguientes: ¿Puede la danza del vientre reflejar las contradicciones de nuestras identidades? ¿Cómo los estereotipos de género afectan a nuestros cuerpos? ¿Pueden nuestros cuerpos incidir en nuestro entorno político o social?

First screening of Balady movie in Berlin - 14/06/13

Screening Balady movie 27th of june 2013 - 18h

The screening will be followed by a discussion with the public and the Barcelona workshop participants. Screening will take place in "La Bonne", the Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison (C/ Sant Pere més baix, 7), Barcelona. The event will be open to the general public and free of charge.

Can belly dance reflect the contradictions of our multiple identities? How do gender stereotypes affect our body? Can our bodies influence our political or social environment? These are some of the questions raised by the Balady project, which observes how gender roles and patterns affect our bodies through belly dance and cultural exchanges.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why Balady ?

Balady starts from the fears of a woman, asking herself if bellydance would reflect the cultural contradictions of her multiple identities.

Do we know ourselves? How are our bodies affected by stereotypes and expectations from men and women alike? How do our bodies move in a rapidly changing society? Can our bodies influence our political or social context? May accepting our bodies and moving them freely lead us to freedom... ?

What is Balady ?

The ''Balady'' project observes how gender roles and models affect our bodies through belly dancing and cultural exchanges. The aim of the project is to explore the narratives and practices related to our bodies by organizing belly dance workshops in Cairo and Barcelona, interviewing women who practice this dance, observing street artists and activists in Egypt, Tunisia and Spain and producing a short-movie which will be screened in different cities (Cairo, Barcelona, Berlin, etc.).