On Friday 4 October 2013, we presented Balady in La Miranda, a local association which hosted our first belly-dancing workshop in Barcelona and is situated nearby the famous Güell Park in "La Salut" district. The neighbors had the chance to discover the film which was partly filmed in La Miranda venue. 40 persons attended the screening and could exchange their impressions with Emilie Vidal, one of the film producers.
The screening took place in the framework of "Noche suelta #1: from Barcelona to Cairo, plural views on oriental dance", which was organized by Colectivo Suelto Association with the support of Interarts and Underground Oriental Dance School.
Balady screening was thus followed by a dance show of BCU, Ballet de Càmera of lUnderground Oriental Dance School directed by Baseema Bellydancer.
The whole evening was meant to give different approaches of women who practice oriental dance, talk about bodies' freedom and expression in different contexts and invite the audience to practice oriental dance in an informal and funny way.
All the pictures are on: